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84 articles tagged Neurology
'Female lying in bed with smartphone'
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Effects of Technology Insomnia

You probably prefer to read these suggestions for peaceful slumber during the quiet, early-morning hours.

Neurology 'Man with hands on forehead'

Understand Headache Causes

A comprehensive breakdown of common headaches. Gain a deeper understanding of everything from brain tumor fears to lifestyle influences.

Neurology 'Teen emo girls'

Are Young Adults Undeveloped?

According to neuroimaging studies, adolescent brains continue maturing through age 25. What are the implications on legal, social, and emotional young adult life?

Ob-gyn 'Smiling adult redhead twins'

Unraveling The Twin Enigma

Double the delight, double the wonder! Explore the whimsical world of being an identical twin and unravel the mysteries of this extraordinary bond.

Neurology 'Suspicious female'

Is Women’s Intuition Real?

Delve into the intriguing concept of women’s intuition: an intangible sense that grants people a unique perspective in assessing individuals and situations.


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Emotions 'Mother comforts adult daughter'

Clinical Depression Meets Narcissism

People with damaging counteractive personalities often attract one another. Why is this the case and how can others help?

Education 'Blonde man juggling balls'

Do You Have Multipotentiality?

What do you call a Jack of all trades who is a master of each? Society belittles the notion, but how do you enjoy life as one of these unique individuals?

Mental health 'Diversity in medical office meeting'

Regulate Workplace Mental Health Stigma

Using regulations in the workplace to manage stress can help reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues.

Neurology 'Woman sleeping in bed'

Coping With Insomnia

Are you dying to sleep? That can be quite literal. Here are suggestions to give you a good night’s rest.

Oncology 'Smiling female cancer patient'

New Normal After Cancer Treatment

This orientation provides comfort to patients undergoing cancer treatment, which affects their physical, neurological, and emotional health.

Addictions 'Psychedelic paintbrush artwork'

LSD Unfair Creative Advantage?

For more than half a century, mind-altering psychedelic drugs have played a significant role in artistic perception. What new trends affect your creative aspirations?

Mental health 'Jeff White patient portrait'

Rural Areas Gain Mental Health Crisis Teams

Mental health crisis teams aren’t just for cities anymore. Rural areas expand to provide necessary assistance to law enforcement.


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.